Youth to the People Skincare Review

Youth to the People is a “100% clean” brand at Sephora. They claim to use clean products and bring unity to skincare. I got the Kale cleanser, toner, serum, superfood mask, and moisturizer. The Kale Cleanser was very gentle; it just foamed up a lot and was a little challenging to remove. The Kombucha Toner was a little too harsh for my skin and contained a lot of BHA, which I wouldn’t regularly use it as BHA makes skin more sensitive. The adaptogen activated toner was very gentle and felt very refreshing. The serum made my skin very irritated (made it red), and I then realized it had Alcohol, so I won’t be using it again. The mask also contained Alcohol and preservatives, which ultimately took away from my idea of it being a sustainable and clean brand. The moisturizer was very lightweight and gel-like, so it sunk directly in, but it also had Alcohol, which irritates my skin and can cause burning to those with sensitive skin. Overall I was shocked that it was considered a clean brand but contained Alcohol which can irritate many. Overall the only few products I would use again were the cleanser, toner, and moisturizer, but if you have sensitive skin, I would stay away. Thanks so much for reading.