Lord Jones Royal Oil CBD Serum Review

The other day I was in Sephora browsing around clean brands, and I stumbled across the brand Lord Jones which is a CBD skincare line that is all organic and made in the USA. The Sephora I went to only carried the CBD Serum, but after checking online, they have a few other products I will be trying out. The Royal Oil Serum only contains two ingredients broad spectrum hemp-derived CBD oil suspended in pure grapeseed oil. The serum smelled terrific and smelled like a vineyard, while it had a smooth consistency that soaked directly into my skin. The CBD Serum is 100% organic, which I love, and I had no issues with it. It hydrated my skin as well as soothed some redness I had from some other products I had been reviewing. My skin looked and felt so much better after applying, and I will be using this more, as you can add it to moisturizer to increase hydration or to makeup to create a more velvety effect. Overall I am obsessed with the Royal Oil CBD Serum and would recommend it to anybody who is looking for an excellent natural serum. Thanks so much for reading. XOXO -Chaz

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